Each year, about August or September, we begin the monumental task of preparing our programme for the following year. Regular tutors let us know their availability, we tweak and overhaul courses, assess suggestions for new courses, find new tutors and topics to build into the course programme, and load courses onto our computer system.
It is an exciting, albeit busy time as we work with hundreds of inspiring and fun course options. If it seems like there are lots of grey (unavailable) courses on our website, that’s because many of those courses have already run earlier in 2024, and we haven’t yet loaded the 2025 courses. So if you are interested in a course with no available dates, click through to the website page for that course and register your interest. We’ll email you when the course is scheduled. Or call the office if you need our assistance – 09 5219623.
Course entry is well under way, with about 20% of 2025 courses loaded as of early October. Work will continue until late December.
If you have any new course suggestions, now is a great time to contact us. Or if you are a tutor with an idea to teach, we’d love to hear from you at info@selwyncomed.school.nz
Ngā mihi nui
Anne, Amanda, Clare, Helen and Jo

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