Come and learn how to create your own bird bath or patio bowl using recycled, beautiful, broken china, tiles and found objects.
Come and learn how to create beautiful mosaic art using recycled, broken china, colourful tiles and found objects. This is a very inspiring and therapeutic way to spend a weekend by fitting broken pieces together and creating something new. All materials are provided, with an emphasis on recycled and expressive art. You are welcome to bring your own china or special pieces to include in your artwork, if you wish. On Saturday, we'll plan and glue our bird baths. On Sunday morning, we'll grout and clean them.
At the end of the course, you'll have your own unique mosaicked bowl (about the size of a dinner plate).
Bring your lunch. We will provide tea and coffee in the staffroom. All materials (china, cement bowl, adhesive and grout) are provided. You can bring any special pieces you'd like to include in your piece. A plastic ice-cream container or yogurt container for collecting your pieces is helpful. Apron and plastic gloves for grouting (optional).
Hi Jo, I just want to say a massive thank you for your wonderful mosaic bird bath class this weekend - I absolutely LOVED it! I have been buzzing about it all weekend and can’t stop smiling! It appeals to me on so many levels - the rummaging to find the special pieces to include, the satisfying cutting, the creative colour scheming and arranging, the therapeutic grouting and of course the finished result! I’m totally hooked!Anyway, thank you so much again - I really appreciate your patience and guidance and of course all the incredible resources you brought with you and the handout with all the details of materials and places to visit for more ideas and info - it was absolutely perfect! It has been a pleasure meeting you Jo! Keri, May 2019![]()
Open Hours
Term Time: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
School Holidays: When courses are running the office is open 9:00am - 4:00pm